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I was born in the spring; I will die in the fall.  How do I know?  A gut feeling.  Death will knock at my door in the fall in late October.  (To be safe, when Death knocks at my door, I will ask to see identification.  There are too many con artists out there.)

My death will be sudden.  I will not commit suicide.  My death could result from a heart attack, an accident, or murder.  However I go, it will be sudden.

The beauty of fall is all about death.  Trees cut off the food supply to their leaves, and the leaves change glorious colors as they die.  Wow!  No one associates the beautiful fall colors with dying and death.

I  do not know which October I will die.  It could be this year, next year, or in twenty years.  Who knows?

Actually Spirit knows.  One October Spirit will say, “Gary, your work here is done for now.  Come rest awhile before your next assignment.”

I will stop what I am doing, and gladly leave along with the glorious colors of fall.


I know you will read this.  And when you do you will see — as I have told you many, many times before — that I am not angry with you.  I never was, and never will be.

You must have assumed that I was angry with you.   You left me the message, “We’re good then?”  checking to see whether I was still upset.   I was never upset.    No problem  existed outside of  your head.

I understand why you misinterpreted my words.  You’re so sensitive — although I know you don’t like to admit it.   And I can’t blame you for not wanting to admit it.  This world is cruel to sensitive people like you.    The more sensitive you are, the worse this world treats  you.

Mistreating sensitive people is not the only thing this world does.  It also harbors big rocks that are difficult to climb,  but easy to fall from.

I wish I could have spoken to you before I left for my climb.   I wish I could have told you that everything was fine.  There would have been no misunderstanding with us talking face-to-face.

I’m not sure how much time  I have left.  I  have often wondered how I was going to go.  Now I know.

So now you are reading my final thoughts  . . .   “Yes honey, we’re good.”